Why You Should Be Taking A Magnesium Supplement

Many people don’t realize how vital magnesium is to our bodies. It’s needed for many of the body’s bodily functions, such as building DNA, producing energy, and hundreds of metabolic processes.

It’s an abundant mineral in the body, we definitely can’t live without it, and yet our bodies can’t make it on its own. Good sources of magnesium include leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and meat and fish in smaller amounts. 

There are many reasons we should all be looking to get more magnesium:

Magnesium for Migraines

Inadequate levels of magnesium have been linked to the occurrence of migraines, and studies have shown that people who take daily supplements of magnesium have fewer migraines attacks. When they did experience a migraine, it tended to be less intense or lengthy. While more studies need to be conducted on magnesium’s effects on migraines, supplements seem to be a safe and effective way to assist those who suffer from them. 

It’s A Possible Mood Lifter

Like with migraines, inadequate levels of magnesium have been linked to the occurrence of depression. A few studies have shown that taking a magnesium supplement improved symptoms of mild to moderate depression. 

Can Help to Reduce Blood Pressure

Studies also show that those suffering from high blood pressure can benefit from taking magnesium. Even ingesting small amounts of the mineral supplement over a few months can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

May Promote Blood Sugar Control

A link between a deficiency of magnesium and type two diabetes has been established, and it’s been determined that it plays a big role in metabolizing glucose and insulin. Magnesium supplements may help boost insulin resistance, insulin sensitivity, and control the body’s blood sugar. 

May Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease 

Low levels of magnesium impact blood sugar control and blood pressure, conditions that are commonly linked with heart disease. 

Taking a magnesium supplement has been shown to contribute to reducing the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels, fasting blood sugar, and lowering blood pressure. 


Just like with most supplements, you should always consult your doctor before taking magnesium supplements. Magnesium supplements may be unsafe for people who are taking some antibiotics, heart medications, or certain diuretics. Also, people with kidney disease or kidney problems may be at a higher risk of adverse effects from taking a magnesium supplement. 

This article isn’t meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease, but we do hope we’ve shown how maintaining sufficient magnesium levels through eating your greens, integrating nuts and seeds into the diet, and stocking up on legumes is very important. If you feel you’re not getting enough of these in your diet- ask your doctor if taking a magnesium supplement is right for you!