Plantar Fasciitis. It’s a real pain in the foot…

plantar fasciitis

Are your feet killing you?

If you have an active job that requires you to stand and walk for long periods of time, or you’re a long-distance runner, chances are you’ve tangled with plantar fasciitis before. 

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

To understand what Plantar Fasciitis is, it’s helpful to know a little about your foot’s anatomy.

The plantar fascia is the thick ligament connecting your heel to the ball of your foot. It supports the arch of your foot and acts as a shock absorber, so it’s pretty susceptible to inflammation due to everyday wear and tear. 

This inflammation is called plantar fasciitis. It causes all kinds of discomfort, stiffness, and pain to those who suffer from it- and for those who need to be on their feet all day, it’s not just painful, it’s inconvenient!

Whan can I do about it?

If you suspect you have plantar fasciitis, it may not be necessary to run (or limp) to the doctor right away for injections or surgery. There are some things you can do first before resorting to medical treatment. However, some may be best done under the supervision of your physician. 

  • Resting the foot is at the top of the list. Cut back on time you spend on your feet if possible, and if you’re a runner, take it easy. With adequate time off your feet, you should begin feeling less (or no) pain in a week or two.
  • Specifically designed shoe inserts can be worn to support and cushion the heel.
  • If your shoes are overworked, it could be time to replace them with a new pair. Look for shoes with solid arch support and soft soles. Speak to the sales consultant at the store about what shoes are best for plantar fascia support. 
  • Gentle stretching to the ankle, calf muscles and Achilles tendon can help alleviate some of the stress and pressure on the plantar fascia. 
  • Rolling the foot on a frozen water bottle a few times a day is a neat hack to help alleviate pain.
  • There are plenty of ways to apply the pressure of tape to support the tendon and ease. Here is a guide for how to best tape your foot to relieve plantar fasciitis. 

You can use your preferred over the counter pain reliever to help lessen the discomfort as well. Still, if you don’t take steps (no pun intended) to help it heal, all the Ibuprofen in the world won’t help!

Do you have, or have you had plantar fasciitis? Tell us in the comments below what tips or tricks you learned to help get back on your feet again!