Our Customers Are So Inspirational!

As the quarantine guidelines begin to loosen up, we’re opening our doors for a couple of customers at a time (and we’re wearing gloves and masks and disinfecting everything in sight, of course), and I don’t know about everyone else, but it’s been really beneficial for my mental health! 

I’ve missed our customers, and it’s so nice to interact again. It’s also nice to watch them interact with each other because often, it results in heartwarming interactions between humans. 

When customers come in and they overhear conversations between customers and the staff about the health issues they’re coping with or about those of a loved one, they are so willing to help and offer their experience and what was helpful for them!

For instance, a lady came in with plantar fasciitis and was trying to figure out the best way to treat it. 

If you aren’t familiar with it, plantar fasciitis inflammation of the tendon on the bottom of the foot that connects to the heel bone. It’s very painful, and it’s common for people who are on their feet a lot- she’s a hairdresser so she’s a prime candidate. 

It just so happened, an older gentleman was in the store shopping for something completely different but overheard her asking questions about the products she should choose to help.

He explained that he had plantar fasciitis as well, and what helped him was in fact not a soft insert, but a hard insert molded by his doctor. The woman was surprised to hear that, it seemed counterintuitive- she never would’ve thought to try it.  

Another customer overhearing the conversation chimed in about using a frozen golf ball. Rolling it on the bottom of the foot will massage the tendon and loosen it up, while the cold would help ease the pain of inflammation.

Everyone, even me, learned something new about treating a condition that causes pain for a lot of people. It made me feel good and optimistic to see people willing to jump in and help each other.

If you see someone in need, and you can help them by sharing your experience,  reach out, and make that connection.  I think at this moment in time connection is more important than ever, and reaching out to help looks a little different right now than it used to. Reaching out to help doesn’t have to be a physical act of assistance, it can be in the form of communication and connection.  I think that is something we all need right now, and I am glad to know that our little community is one of those points of connection.

As always, take good care!