Compression Therapy During Pregnancy- Much Needed Relief for Moms-to-Be!

Compression Therapy for Pregnancy

Babies are a wonderful blessing, bringing joy to many new parents. 

However, the physical changes that women have during pregnancy are many and can be extremely uncomfortable. 

Carrying extra pounds, changing hormonal levels, the general aches, and pains of housing another human, just to name a few. Fluid retention is a prevalent condition expectant mothers have to cope with. About one-quarter of the average woman’s weight gain during pregnancy is due to extra fluids, and much of this excess fluid goes to the legs and feet. This fluid retention can cause: 

  • Swelling
  • Blood pooling (which can lead to clots)
  • Varicose veins and spider veins
  • Aches and heaviness

Wearing compression garments can provide considerable relief from pain and discomfort for pregnant women by:

Providing relief from aches and pains by improving circulation in the legs. Improved circulation helps increase the concentration of nutrients and oxygen throughout the body carried by the bloodstream.

 Compression garments also help relieve pain and soreness caused by the buildup of lactic acid in the muscle.

Minimizing swelling by encouraging the flow of fluids and blood through the legs and feet. 

Reducing the risk of blood clots. Blood tends to pool in the legs during pregnancy, and this can cause blood clots, which can lead to more serious health problems. 

Preventing varicose veins caused by the pooling of blood in a particular place, even the blood flowing the wrong way in the system.

This causes the vein to grow and take on a knotted appearance. Varicose veins can be incredibly uncomfortable, and they can also lead to a more severe vein and cardiovascular issue in some cases. Compression therapy helps prevent these varicose veins from developing because they stop blood from pooling in the area. 

Wearing compression garments can not only help provide relief during pregnancy, but it can also help prevent serious health issues. There are many brands today making compression clothing specifically for pregnancy, (we carry MediUsa, Bauerfeind, and Juzo). 

Some options can be worn underneath the clothing, while others are designed to be worn on their own. While compression leggings or tights are one of the most popular options, particularly for pregnant women, there is a selection of compression garments for the entire body, including shirts, socks, and more. 

Come by NCO or give us a call with any questions or for suggestions about how to use shapewear garments!